Brother bear and fish from the creek trout

 From what perspective you see something it depends at which point you currently are. Usually, to understand the different views of another human being you have to travel a long way. That’s what this story is, about a boy which very much wanted to be a man, but before he had to be a bear, and about little teddy bear which also lost something. It’s a very nice tale with a happy ending, actually, there is not even a bad character. I recommend you watch the film and prepare fish from the the creek trout.

2 glasses flour
pinch of salt
teaspoon baking powder
tablespoon of cream of coconut

Mix the flour, salt and baking powder, then add the margarine with cream and knead dough.

2 glasses lentils
2 onions

Chop and fry onions.
Cook lentils and grind in a Meat Grinder
season with salt and pepper.

Make the shape of a fish with lentils and cover it pastry.

Bon Appetit 🙂

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